Meet Stacey. . . . . . . . .
The Wife

The couple that makes people love, laugh, & hope!
Stacey & Joaquin have been married 15 years and it hasn't been a
crystal stair!
BUT GOD!!!!!!!
I was a lost soul y'all! I ain't gone even lie. I needed to go through a season of pruning,
restoration, and renewing of my heart, mind, and soul. That season of renewal broke me ALL the way to the bottom, only to rebuild me into the woman God was calling me to be.
At some point in life, we all need to bottom out! It's part of the season we walk through to be everything God has designed us to be. It hurts, yet, the pain is well worth the beauty that comes from the brokenness.
The Mother
We are truly BLENDED & WINNING!
Babyyyyyy, this family thing HAS NOT been easy, but it's definitely been
fun and a journey of exploration and preservation.
My four kids, Megan, Morgan, Landen, & Maddox are my greatest accomplishment
and will always be. No book I write, no conference I teach, will ever compare to the joy and honor that
being their mother brings me.
Babyyyyyy, this family thing HAS NOT been easy, but it's definitely been
fun and a journey of exploration and preservation.
My four kids, Megan, Morgan, Landen, & Maddox are my greatest accomplishment
and will always be. No book I write, no conference I teach, will ever compare to the joy and honor that
being their mother brings me.
The Woman: Author * Speaker * Public Figure

God really has a sense of humor!
I can't make this stuff up! I prayed and chose this life, but I'm not crazy,
I know God had everything to do with it!
I'm grateful that I GET to be a vessel for God and a conduit for the people that God
is calling me to. I've discovered that He has assigned me
to specific households. My journey of redemption and restoration
wasn't even for me. It was for a time such as this!